Purpose of the Society
The Adventist Society for Religious Studies (ASRS) is a Seventh-day Adventist scholarly community whose purpose is “to provide intellectual and social fellowship among its members and encourage scholarly pursuits in all religious studies disciplines, particularly with reference to the Seventh-day Adventist tradition.” It was formally organized in New York City in 1979.
History of the Society
In 1972 Adventist religion scholars agreed to meet in conjunction with the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). The official Adventist Biblical Research Institute (BRI) agreed to sponsor and plan these meetings. After BRI ceased their sponsorship in 1978, Adventist scholars met informally at New Orleans. AAR/SBL informed the Adventist group that it could not provide meeting rooms nor announce the meetings in its printed program unless the group officially organized and adopted a distinctive name that did not have a denominational identifier. The group officially organized in 1979, selecting the name Andrews Society for Religious Studies, and elected officers; at the New York meeting. The name Andrews referred to J. N. Andrews, who is considered to have been the first Adventist religion scholar. In 1993 the society unanimously voted to change its name to the Adventist Society for Religious Studies. This became possible when AAR/SBL lifted the restrictions on denominational names.
The Annual Meeting
ASRS meets annually in conjunction with and just prior to the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). In general, the vast majority of those who attend ASRS are also members of and attend AAR and/or the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), which is a longer event. The best accommodation deals are those made through either one of these organizations (provided you are a member). ASRS does not have any relationship with local hotels. As for the cost of attending the ASRS annual meting, currently the membership dues also cover the cost of registration. Please follow the link in the sidebar for more information about how to become a member. Alternatively, you can pay your dues during registration on Thursday evening of the annual meeting. Disclaimer: The papers presented at the annual ASRS meeting do not reflect the views of the society or its members. Moreover, papers presented at academic meetings are works-in-progress intended to provide the opportunity to explore, along with other scholars, ideas that emerge from rigorous research. They are not to be shared, cited, or used for evaluative purposes without permission from the presenter.
List of Presidents
The president of ASRS is elected three years in advance and future presidents serve as vice president and president-elect prior to serving as president.
1979 William G. Johnsson
1980 Fritz Guy
1981 Robert M. Johnston
1982 George Reid
1983 Walter Douglas
1984 Richard Coffen
1985 Doug Clark
1986 Sakae Kubo
1987 Alden Thompson
1988 James Londis
1989 Richard Rice
1990 Russell Staples
1991 Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
1992 Gerald R. Winslow
1993 Warren C. Trenchard
1994 Madelynn Haldeman
1995 Roy Branson
1996 Jon Dybdahl
1997 John Brunt
1998 Larry Geraty
1999 Roy Adams
2000 Ernie Bursey
2001 Keith Burton
2002 Kendra Haloviak
2003 Ivan Blazen
2004 Jon Paulien
2005 Jean Sheldon
2006 P. Richard Choi
2007 David Taylor
2008 John Webster
2009 Zdravko Plantak
2010 Bonnie Dwyer
2011 John Reeve
2012 Donn Walter Leatherman
2013 Carl Cosaert
2014 Ranko Stefanovic
2015 Mark Carr
2016 Teresa Reeve
2017 Olive Hemmings
2018 Tarsee Li
2019 Denis Fortin
2020 Mathilde Frey
2021 Erik Carter
2022 Anne Collier-Freed
2023 Sigve Tonstad
2024 Lena Toews
2025 Rodney Palmer
2026 Tihomir Lazić
2027 Katrina Blue