Current Officers

Rodney Palmer, Andrews University
President (2024-2025)
Chair, Department of Religion and Biblical Languages
Associate Professor of Preaching and Practical Theology
Email: palmerr@andrews.edu

Tihomir Lazić, Newbold College
President Elect
(President 2025-2026)
Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology
Email: tlazic@newbold.ac.uk

Katrina Blue, Pacific Union College
Vice President
(President 2026-2027)
Professor of Theology
Email: kblue@puc.edu

Oleg Kostyuk, AdventHealth University
Communications Director
Assistant to the President for Mission, Religion and Spiritual Care Faculty
Email: oleg.kostyuk@ahu.edu

Zdravko "Zack" Plantak, Loma Linda University
(president 2008-2009)
Professor of Religion and Ethics
Email: zplantak@llu.edu

Sigve Tonstad, Loma Linda University
Editorial Advisor (for ASRS Publications)
Research Professor of Biblical Interpretation
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Email: sktonstad@llu.edu