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Adventist Society for religious studies.

Richard Rice (2018)

"Religion and the Adventist University: The Role of the Adventist Religion Teacher"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Alexander Santrac (2018)

"The Adventist Scholar Today and Bonhoeffer's Intellectually Relevant, Prophetically Vibrant and Ethically Transformative Gospel"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Charles Scriven (2018)

"The Rabbi and the Gadfly: Finitude and the Dialect of Tradition and Critique"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Jeff Dale (2018)

"Coming to Grips with Scripture: The Bible as Both a Problem and a Solution in Our Polarized Climate"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Gilbert Valentine (2018)

"The Religion Teacher as a Prophet: Lessons from a Case Study in Imposing Orthodoxy"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Igor Lorencin (2018)

"Hermeneutical Turn in Adventism"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Anne Collier (2018)

"Revitalizing the Body: Inviting the Triune God to Renew Adventist Practice of Hospitality"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Bruce Boyd (2018)

"Equipping Burman University Students to Be Peacemakers"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Liang Chianshan (2018)

"Sinicization of Christianity: Making the Gospel Relevant or Distorting It?

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Daryll Ward (2018)

"Ministers of Reconciliation"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Acacia Chan (2018)

"Privileged Responsibility in Ancient Education and Reading Practices"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

John Grys (2018)

"Why Administrators Need Scholars"

Adventist Society for religious studies.

Rodney Palmer (2018)

"The Role and Relevance of the Black Adventist Religion Teacher/Scholar in an Age of Anti-Intellectualism

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